Two byte instruction example
lxi instruction in 8085
example of 2-byte instruction in 8085
3-byte instruction in 8085 example
three byte instruction example
one byte instruction in 8086
one byte instruction example
example of 1-byte instruction in 8085instruction format of 8085
Two-byte instruction is the type of instruction in which the first 8 bits indicates the opcode and the next 8 bits indicates the operand. 8. Example: Two-byte Opcodes · Assume that if three high-order bits of the opcode are equal 001, it signals that the opcode size is two bytes. · If so, the 2. Two Byte Instructions. 3. Three Byte Instructions. 1. Immediate Addressing. 2. for example, MOV C, A, RAL, and ADD B, etc. KUMAR AVINASH CHANDRA In the 8085 Instruction set, the two instructions used for communication with I/O ports are IN and OUT instructions. · The IN or OUT instruction mnemonics are
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